Documentary I Live

Documentary I Live

Objavljeno Sep 16, 2020

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According to Maja Weiss, the film is a living portrait of an extraordinary woman and warrior, of extraordinary love and perseverance, of connection. It is very inspiring. It opens a window to a world we don't know and breaks down stereotypes and even prejudices with its extraordinary story. It has great value - for people. For destigmatization. For awareness and raising awareness, but above all it is a wonderful human story about love conquering all. Unconditional beautiful love. And that it exists, again and again. And hope. How difficult it is to be different and live in a society that doesn't understand, is full of prejudices and can "kill a person" and also that you have to fight for your rights - this is a dimension in the film that is extremely important. That it is necessary to activate and fight for your rights. Only through the activation, struggle, and persistence of people who have been wronged, things slowly begin to change. Therefore, the film should reach the people.


The film presents the life of Martina Piskač from her early childhood, teenage years, youth and motherhood to her mature age when she became a ... . Martina has spinal muscular atrophy. Despite numerous negative prognoses, she managed to shape for herself an active lifestyle and achieve equality according to her desires and ambitions. Her difficult and progressing physical disability put her into an electric wheelchair, but personal assistance now allows her to live independently. She can't even lift her arm, but she lives to the fullest, in the real sense of the word. The film l live breaks down the prejudice that life is unexceptional and bare, less creative and less playful and proves that will, reason and yearning have no limit. Especially due to her disability, Martina knows very well how precious life is, as she stared death in the face many times and has so far always beaten it. She looks at her life with a touch of irony and self-irony, which is often the way to make it through the most difficult moments.



I LIVE won in World Film Carnival – Singapore (Best documentary Feature film of June 2021)


I LIVE won in 
Lacorne International Film (Best Inspiring  Film of July 2021)


JULY 2021 WINNERS | Lacorne Internationa (lacorne-filmfestival.com)




I LIVE won in Nawada International Film Festival 2nd Season (Best Foreign Social Film)






I LIVE won in Havelock International Film Festival  (Best documentary Feature film of March 2021)






I LIVE won in
Jump Cuts Film Festival 2021 (Best Inspiring / Motivation Film)






I LIVE won in The 40. International Film Festival Virgin Spring Cinefest January/February 2021 (Category: Films on disability issue)





I LIVE won in 
1st Monthly FIlm Festival (best documentary of December 2020)




I LIVE won in Uruvatti Film Festival (best documentary of November 2020)



I LIVE is the winner of the month of November at Tagore International Film Festival - Disability Issue




 I LIVE won in  Eastern Europe Film Festival  (best  documentary of November 2020)





I LIVE won  at the Kautik Internacional Film Festival  (best  documentary of November 2020)






Documentary I LIVE won in Vesuvius International Film Festival (best social documentary)



I LIVE was a finalist in October 2020 in the Eurasia International Monthly Film Festival






I LIVE was nominated for Best Documentary in October at the Rome Independent Prisma Awards






I LIVE was nominated in the category of Film on Womenfor the month of November-December 2020 at the White Unicorn International Film Festival




Luleå International Film Festival, November – December 2020 (Documentary I live - Semi-Finalist).





Sweden Film Awards, October 2020, Documentary I live - Semi-Finalist. Project has been selected as a semi-finalist in festival.


I LIVE film has been officially selected in Oct/Nov 2020 in UK Monthly Film Festival.



I LIVE film has been officially selected in RODI Film Festival 2020.


 The movie I LIVE was on view  at Lift-Off Sessions October 2020,  from 18.10 to 25.10 https://vimeo.com/ondemand/liftoffsesso2020f/.


23rd Festival of Slovenian Film – Ljubljana and fsf.si, 6–11 October 2020


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Director’s commentary

My wife and I got the idea to make a short video on Martina. It was meant to be a short message or comment regarding her life. Without knowledge and experience, we experimented how to tell such a story most convincingly. After three years of persistence, a story was created about the will to be. This was our way to delve into intrapersonal relationships, carrying heavy burdens and the duties we have to each other.





























